
dispatch_function(key_parameters: Tuple, default_function: Optional[Callable] = None)[source]

Transform a function into a generic dispatch function.

A dispatch function operates similar to functools.singledispatch where a generic function is recorded and additional functions can be registered and called based on passed arguments. However, functools.singledispatch calls a registered function based on the type of the first argument. Dispatch function calls a registered function based on the key word arguments assigned when registering a function. If a registered function does not exist for the passed parameters, the default functions is called. To force only registerd functions to be used, have the default function raise NotImplementedError.

A dispatch_function is a useful function to replace a block of if else statements that call different functions.

  • key_parameters (tuple) – A tuple of the paramters to use as.

  • default_function (callable) – The default function to use when the function is called and a regestered function cannot be found. function docstring and signature sourced.

See also



>>> @dispatch_function(key_parameters=("key",))
>>> def dispatch(key):
>>>     return "default"
>>> @dispatch.register(key="x")
>>> def _():
>>>     return "x"
>>> @dispatch.register(key="y")
>>> def _():
>>>     return "y"
>>> assert dispatch(key="x") == "x"
>>> assert dispatch(key="y") == "y"
>>> assert dispatch(key="z") == "default"
>>> assert dispatch(key=None) == "default"